Black Series Re-issues and Shipping updates!

Black Series Re-issues and Shipping updates!

Hello everyone!  


I wanted to share an availability update on The Black Series re-issues that are up for pre-order! We will not be getting anymore as they are pre-sold out through distribution!
Crosshair - 6
Triple 0- 8
BT-1 - 11
Hunter - 14
Aphra - 20
Plo Koon - 21
Bossk - 23
Don't miss out on these limited re-issues. Never know being Hasbro but word from the distributor is that's it!
Also, we're down to a handful of Sabine helmets if anyone needs. These are in stock and ready to ship!
Funko Update:
TMNT from the animated show (not the new 90's movie version that just went up for pre-orders) have all arrived and close to being sold out! 
Deadpool and The Wolverine are here!
No new shipments from this distributor yesterday so looks like a quiet week is ahead of us :)
Thank you!!!
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